Food diversification

Baby lying on a towel with a chef's hat on his head. Next to him is a red pepper, broccoli and radishes.

Vegetarian baby: is it possible?

Are you a vegetarian and would you like to pass on this way of eating to your child? Do you want to become a vegetarian and include it in all your...
cooked white ham

Cooked white ham

When the meat-fish-egg group is introduced at the time of food diversification, cooked white ham is one of the meat products often present...

Dairy products

During dietary diversification, the introduction of dairy products often raises questions! What exactly are they? Can they be the equivalent of milk as we know it?

The gag reflex VS choking

Many parents are apprehensive about introducing pieces of food for fear of choking. The gag reflex, also known as the gag reflex or gagging reflex, is the most common...

The basics of EMR

Etre accompagné(e) par nos diététiciennes pédiatriques pour débuter la DME La DME, Diversification Menée par l’Enfant est une méthode de diversification qui commence…

Holiday meals for babies

Christmas is just around the corner! In the midst of organising the festive season, you may be wondering what you're going to do with your...
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