Frequently asked questions about baby's diet

Infant flours (or infant cereals) should not be given to baby before 4 months, for digestive reasons. Indeed, baby is not yet able to digest starch. You can introduce these flours or infant cereals on the advice of your paediatrician, as they could encourage overweight in the child if they are given in too large quantities and without any real need for baby.
You can give infant flour or cereals with or without gluten, always on the advice of your paediatrician. These allow gluten to be introduced easily to babies, in relation to an adapted texture, from 4 months onwards. This allows the introduction of this allergen during the recommended tolerance window at the time of food diversification in order to potentially reduce the risk of allergy.

The age at which chunks are introduced will depend above all on baby, his development and his desires. We generally start by giving small pieces at around 8/10 months, giving a texture known as "ground", "lumpy" or even "chopped" to make the transition to the "mixed-smooth" or "smooth" texture.

You can also opt for DME (child-led diversification) for the introduction of pieces. There are, however, precautions to be taken with regard to this method, namely: the child must sit up with a minimum of support and must be well seated to eat, the food offered must be rich in energy, and above all in lipids, but also in iron, the texture of the food must be adapted to the baby's oro-motor capacities... Remember to be accompanied by trained and specialised health professionals, such as paediatric dieticians-nutritionists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, etc.

But baby will let you know if he is ready to move on!

Potatoes can be introduced from 4 months of age, as can sweet potatoes.

From the age of 6 months, you can offer cracked rice, small pasta, semolina, polenta, etc. Starchy foods are essential to baby's body, providing the energy necessary for the proper functioning of his muscles, brain and heart.
They provide the body with energy throughout the day and have a long-lasting satiety effect.

It is recommended that 1/3 starchy foods and 2/3 vegetables be included in the baby's diet. Pulses (lentils, chickpeas or split peas, kidney beans, white beans or flageolet beans) can be introduced from the beginning of food diversification, but always in small quantities and mixed well to improve their digestibility.

For many years it was recommended to introduce gluten after 7 months to avoid the risk of intolerance. This is no longer the case; on the contrary, recent studies have shown that the introduction of gluten-containing cereals between 4 and 6 months reduces the risk of future gluten allergy.

No! Not before 3 or even 5 years. This is for health reasons. Indeed, a cheese made from raw milk or thermised milk is much more likely to contain bacteria that are potentially dangerous for a young child, such as listeria, or the vectors of brucellosis (especially for raw milk goat's or sheep's cheese). There is now a resurgence of listeriosis, for example, because, as you know, the immune system of young children is still immature. So, only offer them pasteurised milk cheeses, they will have plenty of time to discover our beautiful cheese heritage later on...

As for the rind of the cheese, remove it. It carries many germs.

Again, there are no rules. Some babies will start the evening meal at 6 months while others will not start until 10 months or more. You should therefore be aware of the signs that your baby is giving you. In most cases, babies start eating dinner at around 8/9 months.

As milk remains the main food in his diet until he is 12 months old, if the evening bottle is enough for him and he does not show signs of "night-time hunger", then no pressure. If the bottle is not enough to keep him quiet and if he shows an interest in completing his meal, this may be the time for a small vegetable purée with starchy foods, without forgetting to add 1 to 2 teaspoons of fat.

We advise you to start with seasonal vegetables, which are tasty and rich in vitamins, but you can start with whatever you like as many frozen vegetables are just as interesting.

Here is a list of vegetables that can be introduced: carrot, squash, pumpkin, spinach, white leeks, chard, green beans, cabbage (flower, broccoli, etc.), courgette, beetroot, artichoke, aubergine, fennel, etc. The most important thing is to vary the vegetables so that your child can discover as many different flavours as possible

You can add potato to bind the mash and make a more substantial dish, not forgetting to add 1-2 teaspoons of fat.

You don't need teeth to eat chunks! Have you ever noticed that when a toothless baby bites your finger, it hurts?

What is important is that baby has the chewing reflex. Well, it is thanks to the strength of his jaws that baby will be able to eat small, soft, well-cooked pieces. In addition, these same pieces will help to stimulate teething. So, if the teeth are still not there, don't panic, they will eventually come out!

Yes, as soon as diversification begins, baby will be able to discover plain dairy products (yoghurt, fromage blanc, faisselle and petit suisse) because there is no need to add sugar. It is preferable to take whole milk dairy products which will have more fat which is beneficial for the development of baby's brain, so above all no low-fat products!

Classic or special baby yoghurt?

The Anses (National Health Safety Agency) specifies and reminds us that "only breast milk or infant formula can cover the needs of infants. Common milk, regardless of the animal species used, is not adapted to the nutritional needs of children under one year of age.

👉 Breast milk, or infant milk, remains the main food in baby's diet at a minimum of 500ml per day, until 12 months of age

There is therefore no real nutritional interest in introducing "baby" yoghurts as a replacement for infant or maternal milk, except for the discovery of taste as with all other foods. But do you know their composition? 🤔

At one time, some yoghurts were made from infant milk and could be substituted for it, but this is unfortunately no longer the case today. They are no longer enriched with iron, essential fatty acids and other nutrients present in infant milk, although this is still a widely held belief!

But it is clear that the nutritional composition of 'baby' and 'classic' yoghurts is almost identical, except for the amount of carbohydrates. Baby" yoghurts often contain added sugar. I therefore recommend you to be vigilant on this point by checking the list of ingredients.

A little tip: if you decide to go on a picnic with baby, baby yoghurts can be a practical solution as they don't need to be kept in the fridge 😊!

It all depends on how you store it!

In the refrigerator, it is a maximum of 48 hours, if the preparations are well wrapped so that they are completely airtight. Vacuum packed, the shelf life can be up to 10 days.

Finally, in the freezer, the most commonly used technique, the preparations can be kept for up to 6 months.

It is less expensive, more accessible, available in all supermarkets...
Yes, it is true that cow's milk has its advantages BUT all the specialists are formal, it should not be consumed instead of breast milk or infant milk by an infant before the age of 12 months minimum. In addition, from the age of one year, ideally, the child should consume growing-up milk until he or she is 3 years old.

Early replacement of follow-on milk with cow's milk results in a decrease in iron, linoleic acid, vitamins B9, C, D and E and a considerable increase in protein.

Cow's milk, on the other hand, can be used in recipes for cooking vegetables or in a cake.

Each individual and therefore each baby is unique and will have different needs. Parents are often at a loss as to how much to give their baby. On this blog, we give you tables with indicative quantities, which will be revised upwards or downwards depending on the child. There are even practical little tools to help you measure out food, such as the dosages we offer on our site 😊

The 2 important food families are those that are rich in proteins such as meat, for example (which must not be overdosed at the risk of tiring baby's kidneys) and fats which must not be forgotten. Beware also of sugar and sweetened products, which should be strongly limited before baby's 3rd birthday.

First of all, the growth curve should be monitored and not broken. If this is the case, you should report it to your paediatrician/physician to see what is wrong.

They are essential and provide energy, vitamins (A, D, E, K) and essential fatty acids which contribute, among other things, to the proper development of the baby's brain. Breast milk contains them and infant formulas are enriched with them.

When the proportion of milk (breast or infant) in the diet is reduced in favour of solid foods, at around 6 months, it is necessary to start adding various fats to the diet.

Alternate between different vegetable oils, favouring olive oil and rapeseed (or walnut or linseed) oil, or choose a blend of vegetable oils rich in omega-3. You can also add a small knob of butter from time to time to baby's purée and you can also use fresh cream to diversify the taste and texture.


All these fats should preferably be added raw or melted to the baby's diet. 

Before the age of 6 months, it is very rare for a baby to sulk. In this case, you should contact your child's doctor or paediatrician or consult any health professional specialising in paediatrics to help you if it is a paediatric eating disorder.

After 6 months, bottle refusal often corresponds to baby's need to continue discovering new flavours and because he has acquired a taste for your good food, it is a normal stage: baby is expressing himself and asserting himself! He can eat 2 full meals a day, which corresponds to lunch and a snack, or even dinner for some.

However, he should continue to take 500 ml of infant milk per day for his good development and to avoid deficiencies in essential fatty acids and iron. You can compensate for this by offering plain whole milk dairy products such as yoghurt, fromage frais, faisselle and possibly petit-suisse. A 125 g yoghurt corresponds to approximately 150 ml of milk.

You can also put a few spoonfuls of milk powder in the dishes you give to baby or change the container by opting for a bowl with a straw for example.

Considering a vegetarian or vegan diet for a baby is not without consequences. You should discuss this with your paediatrician/physician and a dietician/nutritionist or doctor/nutritionist specialising in infant nutrition in order to make up for any deficiencies in iron and other nutrients (zinc, proteins, etc.) that may occur.


In any case, breast or infant milk should remain the basis of baby's diet until 12 months.

Meat products are introduced from the age of 6 months. Meat, fish and eggs (yolk and white from the beginning of food diversification) also provide a lot of vitamins and iron which it is interesting to vary.

Only one source of meat products per day is provided at lunch (as the baby's kidneys are still too immature to give excess protein). In short, no meat, fish or eggs at lunch and dinner. If the portion has not been eaten at lunchtime, it can exceptionally be given in the evening.

Here are the recommended amounts: start with 10 g of meat products at 6 months, then 20 g at 12 months and 30 g at 3 years...

Yes, they can be introduced from the age of 5/6 months when preparing baby food. They have only advantages because they are very rich in antioxidants (in a small amount) and introduce the child to the pleasure of eating spices. Later on, this will enable him to eat less salt and thus take care of his cardiovascular system. Only spicy spices should be limited, as they are not suitable for the palates of our young children.

Remember that in addition to spices, you can also use aromatic herbs and condiments such as garlic, onions and shallots... in any dish!


Spices: cumin, cinnamon, turmeric, nutmeg, mild curry, paprika, vanilla, star anise...

Aromatic herbs: thyme, parsley, mint, chives, basil, coriander, dill, sage, chervil, tarragon, laurel, oregano, rosemary, etc.

They are very interesting nutritionally speaking, and you can now offer them to baby from the beginning of diversification. Be careful to offer them only in small quantities and blended to start with, as they are very rich in fibre and can cause digestive discomfort in babies whose digestive tract is still immature.


Pulses include lentils (coral, blond, green), peas (chickpeas or split peas), beans (red, white, flageolet) and broad beans.

Diarrhoea in babies is often benign, but it is advisable to consult your paediatrician/doctor if it persists. The most important thing to remember is to hydrate your baby by offering him water very regularly.

Give preference to certain foods such as bananas, mashed carrots, rice, pasta, apple/quince or apple/banana sauce. It is also possible to give white meat or fish and raw or rendered fats. Avoid foods rich in fibre which will activate the transit.

Again, if your baby is constipated, you should seek advice if you have any doubts and if the situation persists.

Remember to keep baby well hydrated and offer him water regularly.

In contrast to diarrhoea, he should be offered fibre-rich foods: vegetables, alternating raw and cooked (aubergine, spinach, artichoke, cabbage, etc.), wholegrain products (wholemeal breads, pasta or rice, etc.), pulses (lentils, peas, dried beans and broad beans), apple/plum or apple/rhubarb compotes.

The introduction of meat allows baby to discover new tastes and new recipes, but it is quite possible to do without it and compensate by giving fish, eggs and pasteurised milk cheese instead, which will cover his protein needs just as well. A word of warning about white ham: it should be given sparingly as it is very salty.

Wholegrain products promote transit, which is still immature in babies. It is therefore preferable to give them in small quantities at the start. A quick reminder: wholegrain products are richer in minerals, vitamins and fibre. As the envelope of cereals is the first to be affected by the use of pesticides, it is advisable to give preference to products from organic farming.

From the age of 10 months, if you make them at home and limit the amount of sugar. You can keep them in an airtight box for 48 hours.

However, you can buy biscuits suitable for baby food in the shops for your baby. Don't forget to read the manufacturers' recommendations regarding storage and especially the expiry date. Make sure you stay close to your baby when he eats his biscuits, as babies sometimes take too many pieces at once, and also make sure you limit the amount of added sugar in your baby's diet. A crunchy, melt-in-the-mouth texture, such as boudoir, is best at first.

From the age of 7 months, whether or not your baby is teething.

Your baby will suck on this small piece of bread to soothe his gums as his little teeth come in. Make sure you stay close to your baby when he eats his piece of bread, sometimes babies take too many pieces at once.

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