The meals


The introduction of a "solid" breakfast, usually at the time of food diversification, is an important step in the life of children, and their parents!
Fruit juice

Fruit juices

Fruit juices have a healthy connotation thanks to their vitamin content, but what food group do they really belong to and what are the benefits?

The gag reflex VS choking

De nombreux parents appréhendent l’introduction des morceaux par crainte de l’étouffement.Le réflexe nauséeux, appelé également gag réflexe ou haut le cœur, réflexe vomitif,…
Baby eating a biscuit

Breakfast for babies

Breakfast is one of the 4 daily meals and represents 25% of the day's nutritional intake. So when should you introduce it?

The basics of EMR

Etre accompagné(e) par nos diététiciennes pédiatriques pour débuter la DMELa DME, Diversification Menée par l’Enfant est une méthode de diversification qui commence à…

Holiday meals for babies

Christmas is just around the corner! In the midst of organising the festive season, you may be wondering what you're going to do with your...
Baby eating pasta

Baby's dinner

When should I start feeding my baby at night? Many of you have asked me this question and many of you have asked me...
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